MC's new secret text filtering!

So, in 1.16.4 Pre Release 1 Mojang silently added a new option to this was text-filtering-config. Then I was curious about what it did. I set my sights on the code and dug in! I initially had a look at 1.16.5, I found the implementation ( and had a look through it. I quickly realised though this wasn't finished and didn't currently function. In addition, it had no API endpoints yet which it was sending data to. So I decided to look at the snapshots. I diff'd between snapshots until I saw the endpoints get added. 21w07a worked on this implementation quite a bit and added the endpoints. I still diff'd up until 21w10a which at the time of writing is the latest snapshot.

Sadly it was now 02:30am, so I decided I'd sleep and look into this more tomorrow.

Tomorrow came, and I dug straight back into the code, I made myself a config for the text filtering and set up a very simple express.js server to capture the messages coming in, so I could confirm it's what I expected. I could also just have a nicer look at the data and headers.

🔗 Config Values

So, the config is a JSON object with the following schema:

  "apiServer": String, // The server which to send filtering requests to
  "apiKey": String, // The API key to use (this is used in the Authorization header - Basic base64 auth)
  "ruleId": Integer, // This isn't really used for anything at the min
  "serverId": String, // The ID of this server, good for networks (this will likely be a UUID in the future if Mojang do a default implementation)
  "hashesToDrop": Integer, // The amount of "hashes" until the message is dropped. Keep reading for more info
  "maxConcurrentRequests": Integer // This is the thread pool size `Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxConcurrentRequests)`

For an example of this config, check the Final Notes.

🔗 Testing Part 1


::ffff: POST /v1/chat
  'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
  accept: 'application/json',
  authorization: 'Basic YWFhYWFhYWE=',
  'user-agent': 'Minecraft server21w10a',
  'cache-control': 'no-cache',
  pragma: 'no-cache',
  host: 'localhost:8000',
  connection: 'keep-alive',
  'content-length': '138'
  rule: 1, // The rule ID you defined in
  server: 'test', // The server ID you defined in
  room: 'Chat', // Always chat, this will probably change for commands, books, etc
  player: 'f45cd935-7d4a-3527-9261-e4926d3ebb66', // The player's UUID
  player_display_name: 'HumanRightsAct', // The players username
  text: 'a' // The message the user sent

(side note, hey Mojang, please add a space after "server" in the User-Agent, kthx <3)

I wasn't actually returning anything here, so I could see console complain that it wasn't getting a response. This is a good sign, it means they're also using the data I give back 😈

Now it's time to mess with the response! So, looking at the code I can see the response can have 3 values: response, hashed and hashes. If the response is false the message is sunk (not sent to any other users). If it is true, it then looks for a hashed. If that isn't in the JSON it lets the message through. If it is there, it then goes to the hashes

🔗 Response Schema

Let's go through what we need to send back and what that JSON object should look like

  "response": Boolean, // If the message should be allowed - if false the message isn't sent to any users
  "hashed": String, // The modified message for the user to send (if it wasn't dropped or accepted)
  "hashes": String[] // The bad words/phrases that the user sent. This is used to see if the message should be dropped (hashesToDrop) 

🔗 Testing Part 2

So, if I send {"response": false} to all messages this would mean not a single one will go through! If I send {"response": true} all messages go through.

But wait, does that mean I can only let messages through or sink them? Ah ha, no! The hashed field defines the message which will be sent by the user (if it goes through). To test this I made my JSON response accept the message but send back a different string in hashed.

  "response": true,
  "hashed": "I said a bad word",
  "hashes": []

We know hashes is an array but don't want to test that yet so we'll make it empty. This response will make the player send I said a bad word instead of what they originally sent. This means we can edit the message before it's sent to all players. Ever wanted to star out a bad word for players? Well now you can.

So, that's pretty simple right? If the message has a bad word you either respond with false and the message is sunk or you respond with true and modify it. But, what if you wanted to make it, so they'd need to say 2 bad words to be sunk? Well, that's where the hashes field comes in to play. In the filtering config you define a hashesToDrop this sets the bar for how many hashes are needed in order to sink the message. So, if I set hashesToDrop to 2 and then returned a JSON like this:

    "response": false,
    "hashed": "I said a bad word",
    "hashes": [

then the message would be sunk because I specify 2 strings in hashes and my hashesToDrop config option is also set to 2. If I removed red and only had 1 string in the hashes array then the message would be replaced with "I said a bad word". This means you can filter out their bad word with *s or something like that. Pretty cool!

I have put a simple NodeJS script on Pastebin that you can use to test this yourself with here:

If you write "herobrine" and/or "blobs" it will star that out of your message (or drop depending on your config).

This was pretty fun to mess around with and definitely a nice feature, my only concern would be the privacy of this. You'd be sending every player join/leave, chat, book edit and probably more to Mojang (if they make themselves default). Now, the beauty is you can set up your own server like I did here. I can see people making a product out of this as well in the future. A web UI where you can set words and even regexs to match would be nice. Only Mojang know what the final result of this will be though! For now, there is no default config, so it isn't sent anywhere.

Below I have put some notes on this. I hope I made it pretty clear what is happening and how.

🔗 Result

Here is an example of it in action :)

Text filtering showcase

Edit (2021-03-18): 21w11a didn't do any changes to text filtering

🔗 Final notes

Here is my text-filtering-config value (prettified):

  "apiServer": "http://localhost:8000",
  "apiKey": "aaaaaaaa",
  "ruleId": 1,
  "serverId": "test",
  "hashesToDrop": 2,
  "maxConcurrentRequests": 4

Here's the minified you can post right into the file:


The Authorization header is just Basic <base64-apiKey>. You can base64 decode mine to verify it matches my config here! I assume this will be more secure in the future.

API Endpoints:

If you return a 204 it will set the response as an empty JSON and use the default values. These currently are:

due to the response being false by default this will sink any message sent. Mojang, pls make this true by default <3

There is code for book title and content however that is not currently sent

/tell is not currently filtered so someone could say no no words there

You cannot modify colours as the text sent is just the string rather than the JSON Text Component (not tested if you can use the deprecated colour char)

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